Thursday, 10 May 2012

10 May 2012

When Plumpcious met Chicken.

Sorry kids, it's not a love story. Its started like this ...

And then there were a few firm but tentative cuts with a filleting knife ...

And it ended with a giant meat cleaver. And no, I have not morphed into a deranged psychopath. You need to cut up the remaining carcass so it fits in the stock pot (or at least that's what I'm telling people).

The rest of the morning was slow. I had two salads and a chicken dish to make, but they were all last-minute affairs, so for the first time I found myself with nothing to do. So I washed up (so she is learning new skills - Ed). And then I tidied my bench. And then I baked a tray of raspberry coconut slices just for a laugh. Actually, they turned out quite well (by the way I sneakily reduced the sugar content by a third and nobody even noticed). And I even garnished it 'a la purple-haired octogenarian' i.e. on a doily and with edible plants. Move over grannies, there's a new kid on the block.

I am starting to get the hang of the presentation aspect of cooking. Coming from a stereotypical big fat Greek family, I'm used to dinners where all the food is piled high onto plates in the centre of the table and then everyone just helps themselves. As such, I dont always have a clear concept of 'ONE PORTION' (the above plate of raspberry slice is actually just for me). I also prefer a minimalist approach when it comes to styling the plate. Why can't it just be a bowl of spaghetti? Do we have to coax the pasta into the shape of a volcano and have the sauce erupting from the summit? Can I just put my soup in a bowl, or must I harass it into a champagne flute? Turns out, you can keep it simple and still achieve a classy looking plate. I decided to garnish my chicken and mushroom dish today with wild garlic leaves which are stylish and edible! Alternatively you could throw them out, or use them to tickle your cat. 

In demonstration today we were shown: Quesadillas with tomato salsa and guacamole, Tomato and coriander salsa, White soda bread and scones, Spiced chicken with almonds, Spiced chicken legs, Cucumber and yoghurt raita, Banana and yoghurt raita, Poppodums, Cabbage salad with raisins and mint (why must people put raisins in salad?! Its wrong people, wrong!), Chocolate fudge pudding and Fluffy lemon pudding (I very much enjoyed eating these last two). 

Tomorrow I am cooking the quesadillas, bread and Fluffy lemon pudding and I will be aiming for perfection ... The Editor is coming to lunch.

1 comment:

  1. I would never think they'd make Quesadillas there. I like how many sentences you start with "and".
